Credit Data Order


A credit data order contains the credit information that was requested by a consumer.


credit_data_order.order_id - UUID! non-null

A globally-unique identifier.

credit_data_order.order_date - Date! non-null

The date the credit data order was requested.

credit_data_order.order_sku_id - UUID! non-null (currently unavailable)

The ID of the applied SKU

credit_data_order.consumer_id - UUID! non-null

The ID of the corresponding consumer attributes within the credit data order.

credit_data_order.attributes -CreditAttributes non-null



Credit attributes are now only accessed by credit attributes queries

credit_data_order.collections - [Collection!]! non-null

Continuation of debt owed to a creditor.

credit_data_order.credit_scores - [Score!]! non-null

Any form of Credit Score.

credit_data_order.tradelines - [Tradeline!]! non-null

Records of activities for any approved credit.

credit_data_order.inquiries - [Inquiry!]! non-null

An inquiry that was placed for the consumer's credit data at some point in time.

credit_data_order.bankruptcies - [Bankruptcy!]! non-null

Condition where an account has had a bankruptcy before.

credit_data_order.mla_statuses - [MLAStatus!]! non-null
Details of the MLA status.

credit_data_order.ofac_statuses - [OFACStatus!]! non-null
Details of the OFAC status.