Credit Attributes


The credit attributes represent a set of properties derived from the credit report. We have defined 9 groups of them, detailed below:


When orders are submitted via Batch Account Review, when the bureau is unable to calculate the value for an attribute, instead of returning a special value number, we will return the following string: Bureau was unable to calculate attribute (e.g. no applicable or relevant trades, relevant trades excluded, disputed trade(s), etc).

List of Attributes



query ($id: String!) {
  get_tradeline_attributes_by_order_id(args: {id: $id}){
    # more attributes ...

Tradeline Attributes

AttributeDescriptionValid Value RangeSpecial Value Range*
total_tradelinesNumber of Trades0 - 9296 - 99
open_tradelinesNumber of Open Trades0 - 9296 - 99
tradeline_open_last_3_monthsNumber of Trades Opened in the last 3 Months0 - 9296 - 99
tradeline_open_last_6_monthsNumber of Trades Opened in the last 6 Months0 - 9296 - 99
tradeline_open_last_9_monthsNumber of Trades Opened in the last 12 Months0 - 9296 - 99
tradeline_open_last_12_monthsNumber of Trades Opened in the last 24 Months0 - 9296 - 99
months_oldest_tradeline_openedAge of the Oldest Trade0 - 992996 - 999
months_recent_tradeline_openedAge of the Newest Trade0 - 992996 - 999
months_average_open_tradeline_openedAverage Age of Open Trades0 - 992996 - 999
months_recent_delinquencyMonths since the most recent delinquency on trade0 - 992996 - 999

*Bureau was unable to calculate attribute (e.g. no applicable or relevant trades, relevant trades excluded, disputed trade(s), etc).



query ($id: String!) {
  get_revolving_attributes_by_order_id(args: {id: $id}){
    # more attributes ...

Revolving Attributes

AttributeDescriptionValid Value RangeSpecial Value Range*
total_revolving_tradelinesNumber of Revolving Trades0 - 9296 - 99
total_credit_limit_open_revolving_tradelinesTotal Credit Limit/High Credit of Open Revolving Trades Reported in 3 Months0 - 999999992999999996 - 999999999
total_balance_open_revolving_tradelinesTotal Balance on Open Revolving Trades Reported in 3 Months0 - 999999992999999996 - 999999999
open_revolving_tradelinesNumber of Open Revolving Trades0 - 9296 - 99
revolving_tradelines_opened_last_6_monthsNumber of Revolving Trades Opened in the last 6 Months0 - 9296 - 99
active_revolving_open_ended_tradelines_balance_opened_last_12_mNumber of Trades Opened in the last 12 Month0 - 9296 - 99
months_oldest_revolving_tradeline_openedAge of the Oldest Revolving Trade0 - 992996 - 999
maximum_bank_card_utilizationMaximum Utilization of Bankcard Trades Reported Ever0 - 9.99929.9996 - 9.9999

*Bureau was unable to calculate attribute (e.g. no applicable or relevant trades, relevant trades excluded, disputed trade(s), etc).



query ($id: String!) {
  get_mortgage_attributes_by_order_id(args: {id: $id}){
    # more attributes ...

Mortgage Attributes

AttributeDescriptionValid Value RangeSpecial Value Range*
total_mortgage_tradelinesNumber of Mortgage Trades0 - 9296 - 99
open_mortgage_tradelinesNumber of Open Mortgage Trades0 - 9296 - 99
months_oldest_mortgage_tradeline_openedAge of the Oldest Mortgage Trade0 - 992996 - 999

*Bureau was unable to calculate attribute (e.g. no applicable or relevant trades, relevant trades excluded, disputed trade(s), etc).



query ($id: String!) {
  get_auto_attributes_by_order_id(args: {id: $id}){
    # more attributes ...

Auto Tradelines Attributes

AttributeDescriptionValid Value RangeSpecial Value Range*
total_auto_tradelinesNumber of Auto Trades0 - 9296 - 99
open_autotradelinesNumber of Open Auto Trades0 - 9296 - 99
months_recent_auto_tradeline_openedAge of the Newest Auto Loan Trade0 - 992996 - 999

*Bureau was unable to calculate attribute (e.g. no applicable or relevant trades, relevant trades excluded, disputed trade(s), etc).



query ($id: String!) {
  get_unsecured_installment_attributes_by_order_id(args: {id: $id}){
    # more attributes ...

Unsecured / Installment Attributes

AttributeDescriptionValid Value RangeSpecial Value Range*
active_installment_tradelinesNumber of Installment Trades0 - 9296 - 99
active_installment_tradelines_opened_last_3_monthsNumber of Open Installment Trades with Balance > $0 Reported in 3 Months0 - 9296 - 99
open_unsecured_installment_tradelinesNumber of Open Unsecured Installment Trades Excluding Student Loan Trades0 - 9296 - 99
unsecured_installment_tradelines_opened_6_monthsNumber of Unsecured Installment Trades Excluding Student Loan Trades Opened in 12 Months0 - 9296 - 99
months_recent_unsecured_installment_tradeline_openedAge of the Newest Unsecured Installment Trade Excluding Student Loan Trade0 - 992996 - 999
months_recent_unsecured_installment_tradeline_delinquencyMonths Since the Most Recent Delinquency on Unsecured Trade Excluding Student Loan Trade0 - 992996 - 999

*Bureau was unable to calculate attribute (e.g. no applicable or relevant trades, relevant trades excluded, disputed trade(s), etc).

Student Loans


query ($id: String!) {
  get_student_loans_attributes_by_order_id(args: {id: $id}){
    # more attributes ...

Student Loans Tradelines Attributes

AttributeDescriptionValid Value RangeSpecial Value Range*
total_student_loan_tradelinesNumber of Student Loans Trades0 - 9296 - 99
outstanding_balance_open_student_loan_tradelinesTotal Balance on Open Student Loan Trades Reported in 3 Months0 - 999999992999999996 - 999999999

*Bureau was unable to calculate attribute (e.g. no applicable or relevant trades, relevant trades excluded, disputed trade(s), etc).



query ($id: String!) {
  get_specialized_attributes_by_order_id(args: {id: $id}){
    # more attributes ...

Specialized Attributes

AttributeDescriptionValid Value RangeSpecial Value Range*
months_recent_public_recordMonths Since the Most Recent Public Record Bankruptcy Filed0 - 992996 - 999
months_recent_third_party_collectionMonths Since the Most Recent Collection 3rd Party Non-Medical0 - 992996 - 999
percent_opened_trades_last_24_monthsPercent of Trades Excluding Student Loan Trades Opened in 12 Months to Total Trades Excluding Student Loan Trades0 - 9.99929.9996 - 9.9999
foreclosuresNumber of Foreclosure Trades Ever0 - 9296 - 99
inquiries_last_12_monthsNumber of Inquiries in 12 Months without Dedupe0 - 9296 - 99
inquiries_last_24_months_dedupedNumber of Inquiries in 24 Months with Dedupe0 - 9296 - 99
bankruptcies_public_recordNumber of Public Record Bankruptcies Ever0 - 9296 - 99
unpaid_collectionsNumber of Unpaid Collection 3rd Party Non-Medical Ever0 - 9296 - 99

*Bureau was unable to calculate attribute (e.g. no applicable or relevant trades, relevant trades excluded, disputed trade(s), etc).



query ($id: String!) {
  get_worst_attributes_by_order_id(args: {id: $id}){
    # more attributes ...

Worst Attributes

AttributeDescriptionValid Value RangeSpecial Value Range*
worst_rating_all_tradelines_last_12_monthsWorst Current Status on Trades Reported in 12 Months0 - 696 - 99

*Bureau was unable to calculate attribute (e.g. no applicable or relevant trades, relevant trades excluded, disputed trade(s), etc).



query ($id: String!) {
  get_delinquency_attributes_by_order_id(args: {id: $id}){
    # more attributes ...

Delinquency Attributes

AttributeDescriptionValid Value RangeSpecial Value Range*
percent_tradelines_never_delinquentPercent of Trades Never Delinquent to Total Trades Reported Ever0 - 9.99929.9996 - 9.9999

*Bureau was unable to calculate attribute (e.g. no applicable or relevant trades, relevant trades excluded, disputed trade(s), etc).