API Reference

Get a consumer's Experian credit attributes

Get a consumer's Experian credit attributes.

Sandbox Data

When using this endpoint in the Sandbox, you can request a specific set of data by registering and requesting data for a consumer with a specific Social Security number. In this case, the trigger for specific data is the 1st digit of the Sandbox consumer's SSN. There are 4 deterministic responses, each corresponding to an SSN with 1st digit: 0, 1, 2 and 3. If the 1st digit of the consumer's SSN is not in this set, the data returned will be random.

For example, you can register a Sandbox consumer with the SSN: 099-99-9999. Then, when requesting their credit.experian.attributes, the following data will always be returned for that consumer:

  "data": {
    "type": "credit.experian.attributes",
    "attributes": {
      "tradesEverDelinquent.percent": 0,
      "utilizationCreditCards.percent": 46.12,
      "taxLiens.count": 1,
      "publicRecordBankruptcies.count": 0,
      "thirdPartyCollectionsWithBalanceOver0.count": 0,
      "ageOldestCreditCard.months": 38,
      "openCreditCardAccounts.count": 8,
      "inquiriesLast6Months.count": 1,
      "creditLimitCreditCards.usd": 36500,
      "missedPaymentsLast6Months.count": 0,
      "missedPaymentsLast12Months.count": 1,
      "missedPaymentsLast24Months.count": 3,
      "openAccounts.count": 11,
      "bankruptcyLast3Years.bool": false,
      "currentDelinquentAccounts.count": 0

Note that you could have registered the consumer with an SSN of 088-88-8888 or 012-34-5678. As long as the 1st digit of their SSN is 0 (i.e. the SSN is of the form: 0XX-XX-XXXX) you can be certain the above data will always be returned.

See the examples below for all the possible responses that correspond with the 1st digit of a Sandbox consumer's SSN.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!