API Reference

Get a consumer's FICO8 credit score

Get a consumer's FICO8 credit score.

Sandbox Data

When using this endpoint in the Sandbox, you can request a specific set of data by registering and requesting data for a consumer with a specific Social Security number. In this case, the trigger for specific data is the 2nd digit of the Sandbox consumer's SSN. There are 5 deterministic responses, each corresponding to an SSN with 2nd digit: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. If the 2nd digit of the consumer's SSN is not in this set, the data returned will be random.

For example, you can register a Sandbox consumer with the SSN: 909-99-9999. Then, when requesting their credit.bloom.score.fico8, the following data will always be returned for that consumer:

  "data": {
    "type": "credit.bloom.score.fico8",
    "attributes": {
      "model": {
        "source": "equifax",
        "identifier": "02369",
        "descriptor": "FICO® Score 8 based on Equifax Data",
        "indicator": "G"
      "reasons": [
          "code": "01",
          "narrative": "Amount owed on accounts is too high"
      "value": 555,

you could have registered the consumer with an SSN of 808-88-8888 or 001-23-4567. As long as the 2nd digit of their SSN is 0 (i.e. the SSN is of the form: X0X-XX-XXXX) you can be certain the above data will always be returned.

See the examples below for all the possible responses that correspond with the 2nd digit of a Sandbox consumer's SSN.

This endpoint will return upto 5 reason codes for the score that was returned.

Following are the possible reason codes that can be returned:

Reason Code Description
00 No description
01 Amount owed on accounts is too high
02 Level of delinquency on accounts
03 Too few bank revolving accounts
04 Too many bank or national revolving accounts
05 Too many accounts with balances
06 Too many consumer finance company accounts
07 Account payment history is too new to rate
08 Too many inquiries last 12 months
09 Too many accounts recently opened
10 Proportion of balances to credit limits is too high on bank revolving or other revolving accounts
11 Amount owed on revolving accounts is too high
12 Length of time revolving accounts have been established
13 Time since delinquency is too recent or unknown
14 Length of time accounts have been established
15 Lack of recent bank revolving information
16 Lack of recent revolving account information
17 No recent non-mortgage balance information
18 Number of accounts with delinquency
19 Too few accounts currently paid as agreed
20 Length of time since derogatory public record or collection is too short
21 Amount past due on accounts
23 Number of bank or national revolving accounts with balances
24 No recent revolving balances
25 length of time installment loans have been established
26 Number of revolving accounts
28 Number of established accounts
29 No recent bank/national revolving balances
30 Time since most recent account opening is too short
31 Too few accounts with recent payment information
32 Lack of recent installment loan information
33 Proportion of loan balances to loan amounts is too high
34 Amount owed on delinquent accounts
36 Length of time open installment loans have been established
38 Serious delinquency, and derogatory public record or collection filed
39 Serious delinquency
40 Derogatory public record or collection filed
53 Amount paid down on open mortgage loans is too low
55 Amount paid down on open installment loans is too low
58 Proportion of balances to loan amounts on mortgage accounts is too high
59 Lack of recent revolving HELOC information
62 Proportion of balances to credit limits on revolving HELOC accounts is too high
64 Proportion of revolving HELOC balances to total revolving balances is too high
65 Length of time bank/national revolving accounts have been established
67 Length of time open mortgage loans have been established
70 Amount owed on mortgage loans is too high
71 Too many recently opened installment accounts
77 Proportion of balances to loan amounts on revolving auto accounts is too high
78 Length of time reported mortgage accounts have been established
79 Lack of recent reported mortgage loan information
81 Frequency of delinquency
85 Too few active accounts
96 Too many mortgage loans with balances
98 Lack of recent auto finance loan information
99 Lack of recent consumer finance company account information
    If the source is "equifax":
  • the indicator will always be "G"
  • the descriptor will always be "FICO Score 8 based on Equifax Data"
  • the identifier will always be "02369"
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